Friday, April 24, 2009

Jackson- The Sequel

I have no "wonderful" news to give on the status of Jackson except for the fact that we are being referred to a Pulmonary Specialist at Primary Children's. This has been a long road in such a short amount of time with Jackson already being hospitalized twice and recently having pneumonia with one infection after another. At 5 months old he recognizes a doctor or hospital setting and becomes very destraught, it is really sad. Hopefully from this we will get some answers. The specialist is going to test him for a number of things. We could not get an appointment until June 17th, so until then we will just have to wait and hope for the best. Within the next couple of weeks we will be heading to Primary Children's to have him screened for Cystic Fibrosis. The mere thought of that being the outcome keeps me awake at night worried for my sweet little baby. I am trying not to worry until there is something to worry about, but I am a mother,any mother would feel the same way if they knew their baby's life could be drastically shortened. Please keep him in your prayers. We are hopeful that it is not CF and that this will turn out to be a mild diagnosis. Once again I will keep you updated.

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