Sunday, February 21, 2010

We're Back!

Okay so I have been a total blog slacker, but with good reason, I haven't had a working computer in the last 4 months, so I finally broke down and got a new one. :) Not too much in the way of news has happened since I last posted. We moved to Annabella and I really love it. But now that we have moved back Kurtis' job has picked up again and I am certain we will return to Vernal when the kids finish the school year. Trust me I really hate moving, but it is in our best interest. I was hoping we could figure out a way to make a decent living here, but Kurtis has such a good job over there and I am grateful for that with the economy being the way it is. This really isn't a good time for a career change!! I hate that Kurt has to commute back and fourth (it's a 4 1/2 hr drive one way!) and I need my family to be all together all the time. It's a lot of work being the full caregiver to 4 adorable, but buisy children. I believe it will all work out, we always find a way for it to.

Tyler turned 8 and he is getting ready to be baptized soon and he is so excited. I think he is more ready and prepared for it at 8 then I was at 22 when I was baptized. He loves the gospel and knows so much, I feel like he teaches me more than I could ever teach him. He has taken a real interest in Basketball and so any given nice day you will see him outside practicing and he is proud to tell everyone he alsways wins me at "horse". He is in 2nd grade and loves school. I help out on Thursdays and I love to see how wonderful of a student he is and how well he interacts, he makes me very proud.

Kaitlyn has grown up so much these past months, it's been neat to watch her transform into this cute little gal. She is such a help that some days I wonder how i would get by without her. She still gets teary eyed about going to school in the morning because she says she misses me. I am trying to cherish that because who knows how long before that changes! She is very good at reminding me of things, which is sometimes good and sometimes bad (she never forgets a promised treat or reward) She is doing wonderful in school, and she has taken a real interest in art. She's a really sweet girl and I am so grateful to have her in my life.

Nicholas turns three in 6 more days, I can hardly believe it. He is a very buisy little boy, very clever at hiding in closets and under beds when he has sneaked chocolate or a whole bag of powder sugar (that was fun to clean up!!) He is a very cuddly kid and he always remembers to hug me first thing in the morning before he does anything else. He talks so well now and he says the funniest things, I see him being the class clown. He has really started to love Thomas the Train, thank heavens because I didn't have it in me to watch Cars one more time. He potty trained really easily, which was wonderful. Our new goal is getting him to sleep in a big boys bed, which we started tonight(so far a so good). He keeps a smile on all of our faces :)

Jackson is just about 16 months and he is walking around and getting into everything. He is definitely a momma's boy, ask anyone that "tries" to watch him. Dad is about the only one I can leave him with so as you can guess he is my little shadow. He really is the sweetest little boy. He is so content for the most part and he loves to be held and read to. He loves music, anytime he hears a Taylor Swift song he goes crazy, it's so cute! He has been doing really well on his RAD meds and he has been sick only a few times this winter and so hopefully this pattern continues. He's a tough little boy. He is such a blessing in our lives.

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