Monday, August 24, 2009

Brave Kids

Jackson is on the move. He has had it in him for a week or so to crawl, he was just a little nervous. Friday we looked over and there he was, crawling across the floor like he had been doing it all along. It was a rather bittersweet feeling because I know he is my last baby. It is hard to grasp that this stage of life is ending for me. I have 2nd grader this year and I wonder where did the time go? On the other hand I am so happy that he is developing and becoming this little boy with such a sweet personality.

This weekend we had a BBQ with some of our friends and we found this praying mantis on the house. Anyone that knows Kaitlyn knows that she is extremely afraid of ANY bug. Consderig she has been stung by a bee 3 times, who would blame her. I was really surprised when our friend Chris talked her into holding it. She was the only one who dared!! On a sadder note Nicholas also had the opportunity to be brave. We were outside playing yesterday morning when he tipped his little toy car over and hit his head on the cement. He actually didn't cut his head open, but it made a rectanglar hole in his forehead. The cement actually cracked. He is so accident prone I have considered wrapping him in bubble wrap. He did so well considering we were at the ER for over 3 hours. Well 4 stitches later here he is:

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