Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What a week!

Last Thursday I sponataniously decided to load up the kids and spend a few days with my mom over the 24th. Kurtis had to work all weekend anyway so I figured instead of being home bored this would be a good time to see everyone before school starts. We had so much fun on the 24th. My sister and her baby Tristan went with us to the parade and all the fun activities in Monroe and we really had a blast. Then come Saturday, my car decided it wasn't going to start anymore. The next couple of days it was in the shop getting fixed and so I just extended my vacation until today when it was finally fixed, yea!! So I am making the 4 hour drive home when 5 miles out of Price it decides to die in the middle of the highway. So I get it over to the side of the road as far as I can and then I start to smell gas, bad bad bad. It is 96 degrees outside and here I am all by myself with 4 little kids in the middle of nowhere. The closest person to me is over 2 hours away and I felt so helpless and I just started crying. I called the mechanic who had worked on my car and he was nice enough to find me a tow truck, but I couldn't stay in the car because gas was leaking everywhere, but it was too dangerous to get the kids out. I ran to the nearest highway sign which was just a few yards away so I could tell them exacty where I was because like I said I was in the middle of nowhere. A nice guy driving by seen that I was in trouble and offered to give us a ride into town. I hesitated of course because you never know, but I was desperate. He was such a nice person and I am so grateful that he helped us because we were in a very dangerous situation. I was truely blessed today. I kept thanking him and he said that he would hope someone would do the same for his wife if she was ever in my situation. I can think of so many times that Kurtis has stopped and helped people out, he never hesitates. So today I felt grateful that some of that goodness was passed back to our family. The car won't be fixed for a couple more days, so Kurtis came and picked us up from Price. Even though I am going to be over $700 into getting the darn thing fixed I still feel very blessed that we are all safe, and I am grateful that my kids were able to experience first hand what it means to be a good samaritan and help others out. These are the times when I am reminded to always pay it forward.

1 comment:

  1. OH MAn That sucks!!!! I am glad to hear everthing worked out ok...Stressful situations though!
