Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Saddest Thing I have Ever Seen!

Today we went on the mountain with some friends of ours to enjoy a nice day outdoors. The men and kid were target shooting and having a great time. I had to leave early because the baby was tired and had enough, but the kids wanted to stay behind with dad. Well soon after the weather started getting cloudy so they decided to pack up and head for home. Nick was so tired and wanted to sit on the tailgate of Kurt's truck like he has many times. Just as Kurt sat him down and started to walk over a ways to pack some stuff up, somehow he fell a plummeted to the gravel encased groung, straight on his face. Kurt picked him up and there was blood everywhere so he rushed him back to town. We got him all cleaned up and I found that he had both upper lips swollen past recognition and massive road rash on the lower half of his face. I was worried about head trauma because I was't there and I didn't see how he fell so I took him to the ER. They did an ultrasound to check for internal bleeding, a CT scan on his brain, and an x-ray of his lungs. All checked out to be fine, but his face will show the signs for a while to come. Kurt is just overcome with guilt and I feel so sorry for both of them. Here are some pics, sad huh!


  1. Poor little guy. So glad it wasn't anything worse.

  2. Oh how sad... That looks like it HURT... I swear boys are just accident prone.

  3. It looks like it truely hurts..he is such a sweet boy..give him lots of hugs and kisses from his Grandma..I love and miss you all so much..
