Monday, June 29, 2009

FuN In ThE SuN..aNd rAin ToO!

I can hardly believe that school has been out for a month already. I guess with the weather being so crummy it really hasn't felt like summer just yet. It has been a big adustment moving from a house with a big yard to a townhome where the grass is just starting to grow. Because of this I try to take the kids to the park and splash park as much as possible. This isn't always the case somedays. Kurt has a very demanding job and 4 kids is a lot of work all by yourself, but I do try my best to give my kids fun and fulfilling experiences. I can definitely say being a mom is the hardest, but most rewarding job there is and I feel so grateful that I am able to stay home with them. My husband works so hard for us and I am so grateful for his sacrifices! Well here is a little recap of June!!

This is trip we took to Flaming Gorge a few weeks ago. It is only about 30 minutes from our house so we just decided to check it out one Saturday. It's a really bautiful place. Unfortunately we were 20 minutes too late for the tour so we are definitely going to make another trip back for that.

I know it's kind of silly, but this is a picture of my kids enjoying one of my favorite childhood pastimes, the ice cream man. I haven't seen one of these around since I was little and lived in Salt Lake so this was a fun experience for them and me too.

Here is a picture of Jackson while we were waiting for the specialist at Primary Children's, I think he was happy to finally get some answers too. He was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease. He is on a new treatment plan and has been doing wonderfully so far. Winter is going to be scary again especially with 2 kids in school, but hopefully his airways will be a little bigger and we won't have another winter like the last.

In the top pictures you can see us trying to get some fun park time in before the down pour showed up (note the big black sky). Then just 2 days later the sun was shining at sweltering 92 degrees while we enjoyed some time at the splash park.

1 comment:

  1. Love the are so darn cute and growing up way too fast..I still remember when you, Cameron, Amanda and Darren where that age..Enjoy them while you can because they grow up so fast..Love you all so very much and miss seeing you more often..But Idol coming and then off to Harry Potter with Tyler. By the way love that Beautiful Knitted Afagan.
